MEDAM is the sister website of MEDAMP, the observatory of the protection of biodiversity :
Any quotation or use of elements of this data management system should be mentioned as "MEDAM Université Côte d'Azur CNRS ECOSEAS"



The destruction of the habitat is at the very summit of the hierarchy of damage to the biodiversity of the planet, ranking even above the impact of invasions of allogenic species, chemical or bacteriological pollution or the over-exploitation of living natural resources.


The impact of major climatic changes will soon have to be taken into account in this ranking (Chapin et al., 2000).

In this context, the destruction of the shallow bottoms by reclamation and the disturbances resulting from the artificialisation of the coastline should be assessed with a view to monitoring and limiting them more effctively in the future. The aim of MEDAM is to assess the overall extent of this destruction of habitats.


But species and ecosystems also undergo locally other types of damage to biodiversity. In order to limit these other forms of damage, remarkable joint efforts have been deployed over the past few years from the scientific, administrative and legislative points of view.

Damage to the marine environment has an impact on our health and on our economy


It is worth pointing out that for the marine domain, the main forms of damage cited, taken into account and mediatised, are above all those linked to our health and our economy. The managers of the marine environment are particularly concerned with bacteriological or chemical pollution affecting the quality of bathing water or fishing production. At regional, national and European level, a range of monitoring measures, observation networks and increasingly restrictive legislation resulting in the reduction of the sources of pollutants have been introduced. .
In addition, efforts have been made with regard to the prevention and treatment of pollution affecting the natural aspect of the coasts, such as black tides or the accumulation of solid detritus (macro-detritus) on the beaches, as these are always highly damaging for the tourism economy.


Finally, efforts have been made at European Community level to regulate overfishing and to preserve the fishing economy on the basis of better management of the halieutic resources.


These forms of pollution and the over-exploitation of marine species have been the focus of a large number of scientific publications. All these forms of pollution are reversible and the impact that is most deleterious to the environment and the species is often highly localised.


The preservation of environments and species


Aside from preoccupations linked to health, tourism or fishing production interests, outstanding natural marine environments and endangered marine species are also given a good deal of attention, but the efforts deployed in these fields by the local authorities have progressed little over the years. The number of strictly protected marine areas (monitored sanctuaries where no catches are allowed) has changed little off the French Mediterranean coasts since a quantitative survey carried out in 1983 (Meinesz et al.. 1983) and the number of specialists of the marine environment in systemics and ecology in the university marine research centres has declined considerably.


An image data base has been developed in order to present visually the changes in the coastline at the sites of reclamation redevelopment schemes.


1628 photographs are available at this site, with ongoing updating of the image bank. The photographs may be recent or more historical (views of the coast prior to reclamation have been sought). Some are photographs taken from the air others at ground level (sea or land).


The images made available are of low resolution. The photographers are cited and may in some cases be contacted by e-mail (list of photographers). Any new photos or similar documents are welcome: contact us to upload them ! (aims, procedure, conditions)


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Access the cartographical data base to view the contour lines of all the reclamations and the contours of all the bathymetric and administrative limits.


Access data on the characteristics, description, year of redevelopment, illustrations and localisation of each reclamation > 100 m².


Access the historical record data base: the construction of each structure or part of a structure has been dated. This data provides the basis for showing on bar charts the progression over time of reclamations and their impact on the basis of administrative units (country, region, county ( département), municipal and rural district (commune) or ECD water mass).


For all French Mediterranean coasts (excluding Monaco and the Etang de Berre) (see ‘details’ for noteworthy regional or more local particularities).

MEDAM Inventory :

Original coastline : 2 062 km (> see details)

Surface area of shallow water bottoms prior to any reclamation (> see details) :

Between 0 and -10 m : 80 723 ha soit 807 km²

Between -10 m and -20 m : 88 046 ha soit 880 km²

Between 0 and -20 m : 168 769 ha soit 1 688 km²
Between -20 and -50 m : 330 030 ha soit 3 300 km²


Number of reclamations (>100 m²) : 1 050 (> see details)


Coastline ‘artificialised’ by reclamation : 223.02 km (> see details)

Surface areas reclaimed by these redevelopments (> see details) :

Between 0 et -10 m : 4 226.13 ha

Between -10 m et -20 m : 903.70 ha

Between 0 et -20 m : 5 129.83 ha


MEDAM Impacts :

Rate of ‘artificialisation’ of coastline (linear) : 12.27 % (> see details)

Rate of irreversible destruction of shallow water bottoms by reclamation (> see details) :

Between 0 et -10 m : 5.24 % 

Between -10 m et -20 m : 1.03 % 

Between 0 et -20 m : 3.04 %


Progression :
A step in the right direction: a clear slowing down of reclamation from 1985  (> see details).
